Altar Servers assist the Priest during Mass. An Altar Server should have a love of liturgy and service. We welcome Altar Servers of all ages who have received their 1st Communion. Family Teams are welcomed as well.
For more information on becoming an Altar Server please contact:
Andrea DeSimone: [email protected]
Members of our AV Team help us hear and see our liturgies. If you have a passion for audio, video, editing the AV Team is where you belong.
For more information on joining the AV Team please contact:
Denise Gavello: [email protected]
Eucharistic Ministers assist with the distribution of communion. Eucharistic Ministers are fully initiated Catholics with a love for the Eucharist.
Many feel it is a blessing to be able to distribute the Body and Blood of Christ.
Some may feel unworthy to be a Eucharistic Minister but Christ invites us and makes us worthy.
For more information on becoming a Eucharistic Minister please contact:
Danette Jollyi: [email protected]
The ministry of the greeter is to welcome visitors and parishioners as they arrive for worship.With a cheerful heart greeters put a smile on the faces of those arriving and help them feel welcomed and comfortable.
Greeters are:
For more information on becoming a Greeter please contact:
Ramona Gonis: [email protected]
Better known as our Donuts and Coffee Ministry. Hospitality Ministers help with set up, clean up, and distribution of hospitality after Mass. If you love to greet people and put a smile on the faces of little ones when you hand them their donut this is the ministry for you!
For more information on joining our Hospitality Ministry please contact:
Tom Trowbridge: [email protected]
Lectors have a love for the Word of God. They proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ, making God present to the gathered community. St. Benedict tells us “anyone can read scriptures in public; only a believer can proclaim them” Lectors are not performers. They allow the presence of the living Jesus to be sensed in the community by prayerfully preparing and not drawing attention to themselves.
For more information on becoming a Lector please contact:
Pat Weber: [email protected]
Those who sing pray twice. ~St. Augustine
Our Music Ministry is open to all who's passion is music. If you sing and/or play an instrument you'll find a welcome in our Music Ministry.
For more information on joning our Music Ministry please contact:
Cielo Stibor: [email protected] for our 10:30am & 12:30pm Choirs
Walt Patteson: [email protected] for our 8AM Sunday and 5PM Saturday Choir